Genomic and Immunotherapy Medical Institute
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The institute is strengthened by the presence of various major platforms within partner healthcare establishments:

  • The genetics platforms of Dijon CHU and the CGFL for rare diseases and oncology, and the technical platform of Besançon CHU. Together they ensure the diagnostic procedures for cancers, malignant hemopathies and rare diseases and the development of innovative techniques, under the coordination of Pr. L. Martin.

  • The cancer biology transfer platform of the CGFL, with, for the part concerning tumor genetics, the platform piloted by Dr. Romain Boidot. This platform performs high-throughput sequencing of tumor exomes and constitutional DNA.

  • The bioinformatics analysis platform, which is devoted to the management and analysis of sequencing data from high-throughput whole genome sequencing, coordinated by M. Yannis Duffourd. The platform for the routine analysis of data from high-throughput exome sequencing has developed its own bioinformatics pipeline and tools necessary for the analysis of high-throughput genome sequencing data, for the identification of structural variants, SNV and CNV.

  • The biotechnology and early clinical research platforms of the CIC-BT1431 and the CGFL. These platforms combine the expertise of immunologists, bio-statisticians and oncologists to develop immunological biomarkers to promote new immunological therapeutic strategies.

Diagnostic laboratoryPlatformsHeadReferent for the activity (if different from heads
Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratory CHU Dijon Pr. P. Callier Dr. C. Philippe : rare diseases
Dr. M. Callanan :oncogenetics
Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratory CHU Besançon - Dr. P. Kuentz
Pathology Laboratory CGFL Dr. L. Arnould -
Pathology Laboratory CHU Besançon Pr. S. Degano-Valmary -
Pathology Laboratory CHU Dijon Pr. L. Martin Dr. C. Chapusot
Dr. Tournier
Hematology Laboratory CHU Dijon Pr. M. Maynadié Dr. F. Girodon
INCa Platform CHU Dijon/CGFL Pr. L. Martin Dr. R. Boidot
Dr. C. Chapusot
INCa Platform CHU Besançon Pr. JL. Prétet Dr. D. Guenat
Dr. S. Magnin
Ferdinand Cabanne Biological Resources Centre - Pr. A. Bonin Dr. S. Bechoua


Other platform supports will be of privileged partners:

  • The CCuB (Computer Center and Datacenter of the University of Burgundy)
  • The Ferdinand Cabanne Biological Resources Center
  • Various other technology platforms (biosurveillance, skin engineering, proteomics, lipidomics, cell technology, technological investigations ...) also present on the sites of Dijon and Besançon.